Richard Calle to John Paston, 29th December 1461

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

To my right reverent and my moost wurschipful maystre, my Maystre John Paston.

Right wurshipfull and my mooste reverent mastre, I recomaunde me unto your goode maystreship. Like you to witte that on Childremasse daye there were moche people at Norwich at the shire, be cauce it was noyced in the shire that the Undresheriff had a writte to make a newe aleccion; wherfore the people was greved be cauce they had labored so often, seying to the Sheriff that he had the writte, and pleynly he shulde not a wey unto the tyme the writte were redd. The Sheriff answerd, and seyd that he had no writte, nor west who had it. Heruppon the people peacyd, and stilled unto the tyme the shire was doone, and after that doone, the people called uppon hym, 'Kylle hym! Heede hym!' And so John Dam, with helpe of other, gate hym out of the schire-hows, and with moche labour brought hym unto Sporyer Rowe; and ther the people mett a yenst hym, and so they a voided hym unto an hows, and kept fast the dore unto the tyme the meyer was sent fore, and the Sherif, to strenght hym, and to convey hem a wey, or ell he had be slayne. Wherfor divers of the thrifty men came to me, desiryng that I shulde writte unto your maistreship to lete you have undrestandyng of the gidyng of the people, for they be full sory of this trowble; and that it plese you to sende hem your advice how they shal be gided and rwled, for they were purposed to a gathered an c. or cc. of the thriftyest men, and to have come up to the Kyng to lete the Kyng have undrestandyng of ther mokkyng. And also the people fere hem sore of you and Mastre Berney,] be cauce ye come not home.

Plese you that ye remembr the bill I sent you at Hallowmesse for the place and londs at Boyton weche ChesemanAlblastre had in his ferme for v. mark. Ther wol no man have it above xlvjs. viijd., for Alblastre and I have do as moche therto as we can, but we can not go a bove that. And yet we can not lete it so for this yere, with owte they have it for v. or vj. yere. I wrote to your mastreship herof, but I had non answre; wherfor I beseche you that I may have an answere of this be Tlwelthe, for and we have an answre of this be that tyme, we shall enfeffe hem with all, &c.

My right wurshipfull and my moost reverent maistre, Almyghty Jesu preserve you, and send you the victorye of your elmyes, as I truste to Almyghty Jesu ye shall. Wreten at Norwich on Seyn Thomas daye after Cristemasse daye.

Your pore servant and bedman,


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