To my ryght wurschipful maister, John Paston.
I recomaunde me unto you. Plesith it you to witte that I have spoken with Furbuschour and other of the matre that ye spake to me off, and they have promysed me to be as feythefull in it as it where for hem selfe. Also I have spoken with my modre and seide to here as ye desired me to doo, and sche seide sche knewe the massache weele inowe before be other persones in like wice as ye comaunded hem to sey to her; and sche seide she wode fayne that ye dede weele what so ever ye sey and fille forthe in other talkyng. Me semethe che is displesed that ye came not to her or than ye roode foorthe. I schall telle you more whan that ye come home. Thomas Denys wyff whas at me, and desired me that I schulde sende to you and desire you that che myght have knowleche from you how ye woll that sche schall doo with her matre; sche seithe her brother and other of her frendes thynke that she schulde up to London and calle uppon her matre there, but she seithe pleynly sche woll nought doo therin withoute your advice. It whas toolde me that Bacon and Gonnor whas here to speke with me for the matre that Bacon spake to you of, and at that tyme I whas at Norweche and I herde no more of hem sethen. And as for my brother William, he is not purposed to come to London tyll aftre Pentecost; but my brother Clement is purposed to come forward on Monday or on Twesday next comyng at the ferthest. No more at this tyme but the blissed Trinite preserve you. Wreten the xviij. day of May.
I prey yow that ye woll wete safe to remembre Johane Gayne matre, and that ye woll take John Paston that he remembre you of it, for Dawbeney and Pampyng woll sone for gete it.
To my ryght wurschipful maister, John Paston.
I recomaunde me unto you. Plesith it you to witte that I have spoken with Furbuschour and other of the matre that ye spake to me off, and they have promysed me to be as feythefull in it as it where for hem selfe. Also I have spoken with my modre and seide to here as ye desired me to doo, and sche seide sche knewe the massache weele inowe before be other persones in like wice as ye comaunded hem to sey to her; and sche seide she wode fayne that ye dede weele what so ever ye sey and fille forthe in other talkyng. Me semethe che is displesed that ye came not to her or than ye roode foorthe. I schall telle you more whan that ye come home. Thomas Denys wyff whas at me, and desired me that I schulde sende to you and desire you that che myght have knowleche from you how ye woll that sche schall doo with her matre; sche seithe her brother and other of her frendes thynke that she schulde up to London and calle uppon her matre there, but she seithe pleynly sche woll nought doo therin withoute your advice. It whas toolde me that Bacon and Gonnor whas here to speke with me for the matre that Bacon spake to you of, and at that tyme I whas at Norweche and I herde no more of hem sethen. And as for my brother William, he is not purposed to come to London tyll aftre Pentecost; but my brother Clement is purposed to come forward on Monday or on Twesday next comyng at the ferthest. No more at this tyme but the blissed Trinite preserve you. Wreten the xviij. day of May.
I prey yow that ye woll wete safe to remembre Johane Gayne matre, and that ye woll take John Paston that he remembre you of it, for Dawbeney and Pampyng woll sone for gete it.
To my ryght wurschipful maister, John Paston.
I recomaunde me unto you. Plesith it you to witte that I have spoken with Furbuschour and other of the matre that ye spake to me off, and they have promysed me to be as feythefull in it as it where for hem selfe. Also I have spoken with my modre and seide to here as ye desired me to doo, and sche seide sche knewe the massache weele inowe before be other persones in like wice as ye comaunded hem to sey to her; and sche seide she wode fayne that ye dede weele what so ever ye sey and fille forthe in other talkyng. Me semethe che is displesed that ye came not to her or than ye roode foorthe. I schall telle you more whan that ye come home. Thomas Denys wyff whas at me, and desired me that I schulde sende to you and desire you that che myght have knowleche from you how ye woll that sche schall doo with her matre; sche seithe her brother and other of her frendes thynke that she schulde up to London and calle uppon her matre there, but she seithe pleynly sche woll nought doo therin withoute your advice. It whas toolde me that Bacon and Gonnor whas here to speke with me for the matre that Bacon spake to you of, and at that tyme I whas at Norweche and I herde no more of hem sethen. And as for my brother William, he is not purposed to come to London tyll aftre Pentecost; but my brother Clement is purposed to come forward on Monday or on Twesday next comyng at the ferthest. No more at this tyme but the blissed Trinite preserve you. Wreten the xviij. day of May.
I prey yow that ye woll wete safe to remembre Johane Gayne matre, and that ye woll take John Paston that he remembre you of it, for Dawbeney and Pampyng woll sone for gete it.
To my right wurschipful master, John Paston.
I recommend me unto you. Plesith it you to witte that I have spoken with Furbuschour and other of the matre that you spake to me off, and they have promysed me to be as feythefull in it as it where for hem self. Also I have spoken with my modre and seide to [here/her] as you desired me to do, and sche seide sche knew the massache weele inowe before be other persones in like wice as you comaunded hem to sey to her; and sche seide she wode fayne that you did weele what so ever you sey and fille forth in other talkyng. Me semethe che is displeased that you came not to her or than you roode foorthe. I schall telle you more whan that you come home. Thomas Denys wyff whas at me, and desired me that I schulde send to you and desire you that che might have knowledge from you how you will that sche schall do with her matre; sche seithe her brother and other of her frendes thynke that she schulde up to London and calle uppon her matre there, but she seithe plainly sche will not do therin withoute your advice. It whas toolde me that Bacon and Gonnor whas [here/her] to speak with me for the matre that Bacon spake to you of, and at that time I whas at Norwich and I herde no more of hem sethen. And as for my brother William, he is not purposed to come to London until aftre Pentecost; but my brother Clement is purposed to come forward on Monday or on Twesday next coming at the ferthest. No more at this time but the blessed Trinity preserve you. Wreten the xviij. day of May.
I pray you that you will wait safe to remembre Johane Gayne matre, and that you will take John Paston that he remembre you of it, for Dawbeney and Pampyng will soon for gete it.
To my right worshipful master, John Paston,
My best wishes to you. I'm pleased to let you know that I have spoken with Furbuschour and another about the matter you spoke to me of, and they have promised me to be as honest about it as if it were for themselves. I've also spoken to my mother and told her what you asked me to say and she said she heard the news beforehand, and she said she wishes you do well whatever you say and move on to in other discussions. It seems to me she is not pleased that you didn't come to see her before you rode off. I'll tell you more when you come home. Thomas Denys's wife was in touch with me and asked that I should write to you and ask you, so that she might know from you, what you will that she should do with her matter; she says her brother and other friends think she should go up to London and discuss her matter there, but she says clearly she will do nothing without your advice. I was told that Bacon and Gonnor were here to speak with me about the matter that Bacon spoke to you about; at the time I was in Norwich and I have heard no more of them since. As for my brother William, he doesn't intend to come to London until after Pentecost, but my brother Clement intends to come on Monday or Tuesday next at the latest. No more for the moment, but the blessed Trinity preserve you. Written the 18th day of May.
Your Margaret Paston
Please remember Joan Gayne's matter, and remind John Paston of it, for Daubeney and Pampyng will soon forget it.