To my ryght wurschipfull fadre, John Paston._
Plesit you to wete that I am at Leyn, and under stande be dyvers personys, as I am in formed, that the Mayster of Carbroke wold take a rewle in the Marè Talbot as for capteyn, and to yeve jaketes of his levery to dyvers personis qwych be waged be oder men, and nouth be hym, beyng in the said shep. Qwerfor in as moch as I have but few sowdeors in myn levery her, to strenketh me in that qwych is the Kynges commandement, I kepe with me yowr too men, Dawbenney and Calle, qwich I purpose shall seyle with me to Yermeth; for I have purveyed harneyse for hem. And ye shall well understande, be the grace of God, that the said Mayster of Carbroke shall have non rewle in the sheppes, as I had purposid he shuld have had, because of his besynesse, and for this is on of the specyall causes I kepe yowr said men with me, besechyng you ye takyt to non dysplesur of ther taryng with me. Nat withstanding, ther herden at Wyggenalle shall be don this day be the grace of God, Whoo have you in kepyng.
Wreten at Leynn, the morow after my departyng from you.
Item, as far such tydynges as be here, Th. shall in forme you.
To my ryght wurschipfull fadre, John Paston._
Plesit you to wete that I am at Leyn, and under stande be dyvers personys, as I am in formed, that the Mayster of Carbroke wold take a rewle in the Marè Talbot as for capteyn, and to yeve jaketes of his levery to dyvers personis qwych be waged be oder men, and nouth be hym, beyng in the said shep. Qwerfor in as moch as I have but few sowdeors in myn levery her, to strenketh me in that qwych is the Kynges commandement, I kepe with me yowr too men, Dawbenney and Calle, qwich I purpose shall seyle with me to Yermeth; for I have purveyed harneyse for hem. And ye shall well understande, be the grace of God, that the said Mayster of Carbroke shall have non rewle in the sheppes, as I had purposid he shuld have had, because of his besynesse, and for this is on of the specyall causes I kepe yowr said men with me, besechyng you ye takyt to non dysplesur of ther taryng with me. Nat withstanding, ther herden at Wyggenalle shall be don this day be the grace of God, Whoo have you in kepyng.
Wreten at Leynn, the morow after my departyng from you.
Item, as far such tydynges as be here, Th. shall in forme you.
To my ryght wurschipfull fadre, John Paston._
Plesit you to wete that I am at Leyn, and under stande be dyvers personys, as I am in formed, that the Mayster of Carbroke wold take a rewle in the Marè Talbot as for capteyn, and to yeve jaketes of his levery to dyvers personis qwych be waged be oder men, and nouth be hym, beyng in the said shep. Qwerfor in as moch as I have but few sowdeors in myn levery her, to strenketh me in that qwych is the Kynges commandement, I kepe with me yowr too men, Dawbenney and Calle, qwich I purpose shall seyle with me to Yermeth; for I have purveyed harneyse for hem. And ye shall well understande, be the grace of God, that the said Mayster of Carbroke shall have non rewle in the sheppes, as I had purposid he shuld have had, because of his besynesse, and for this is on of the specyall causes I kepe yowr said men with me, besechyng you ye takyt to non dysplesur of ther taryng with me. Nat withstanding, ther herden at Wyggenalle shall be don this day be the grace of God, Whoo have you in kepyng.
Wreten at Leynn, the morow after my departyng from you.
Item, as far such tydynges as be here, Th. shall in forme you.
To my right wurschipfull fadre, John Paston._
Plesit you to wait that I am at King's Lynn, and under stande be dyvers personys, as I am in formed, that the Mayster of Carbrooke would take a rewle in the Marè Talbot as for capteyn, and to you've jaketes of his levery to dyvers personis qwych be waged be oder men, and nouth be him, beyng in the said shep. Qwerfor in as moch as I have but few sowdeors in [mine/my] levery her, to strenketh me in that qwych is the King's commandement, I keep with me your too men, Dawbenney and Calle, qwich I purpose shall seyle with me to Great Yarmouth; for I have purveyed harneyse for hem. And you shall well understande, be the grace of God, that the said Mayster of Carbrooke shall have no rewle in the sheppes, as I had purposid he should have had, because of his besynesse, and for this is on of the specyall causes I keep your said men with me, asking you you takyt to no dysplesur of there taryng with me. Nat withstanding, there errand at Wyggenalle shall be done this day be the grace of God, Whoo have you in keeping.
Wreten at Leynn, the morow after my departyng from you.
Item, as far such tydynges as be [here/her], Th. shall in form you.
To my respected father, John Paston.
Please be informed that I am at Lynn, and am told by various people that the Master of Carbrooke wants to take control of the Marie Talbot as captain, and to distribute jackets bearing his livery to various people in the said ship who are employed by other men and not by him. Therefore as I have few soldiers in my livery here to strengthen me in what is the King's command, I am keeping with me your two men, Daubeney and Calle, with whom I intend to sail to Yarmouth: I have bought armour for them. And you will understand, by the grace of God, that the Master of Carbrooke will not be in command of the ships, as I had intended he should, because I am suspicious of his intentions, and this is one of the specific reasons I am keeping your men, begging you not to be displeased at their staying with me. Despite that, their errand at Wiggenhall shall be completed today by the grace of God, who I pray will have you in His keeping.
Written at Lynn, the day after I left you.
Th. will inform you of any other news.