To my deerest sonne William Paston
these at his lodgings at Corpus Christi College
My good will: I was in hope to haue seen thee this weeke, but I heer so bade newes of the increase of the sikenes at London, that allthough I haue great ocation to haue bine ther, yett will I forbear till it shall please god in mearcy to scease it: I am sory to think off removinge the from that good plase whear thow arte so well: nyther wold I for any Cawse haue the hom till whot wether or fear of danger provokethe me: wherfor I haue leaft it to mr Roberts best conscideration: for I am so lothe thow sholdest loose thy time with being at hom, and I am lothe likewise to haue you to be ill at ease ther wherfor if thow sholdest com home soone. I pray the resolue with thy selfe to apply thy self strictly to Certine bowers taskes every day, otherwis I am afrayd thow sholdest be wonderfully hindered in thy leavinge : but if therbe just Cawse of feare of taringe, and that you will purpos to settle thy self to parforme my desire, then Com and well com and if you hier hacknys com very easy Iorneys: but if you wold be sent for then lett me know in thy next: farwell my good child the allmighty, of his infinite mercy blese preserue and kepe the and vs all for his mercy sake:
thy most louinge Mother
Katherine Paston
To my deerest sonne William Paston
these at his lodgings at Corpus Christi College
My good will: I was in hope to haue seen thee this weeke, but I heer so bade newes of the increase of the sikenes at London, that allthough I haue great ocation to haue bine ther, yett will I forbear till it shall please god in mearcy to scease it: I am sory to think off removinge the from that good plase whear thow arte so well: nyther wold I for any Cawse haue the hom till whot wether or fear of danger provokethe me: wherfor I haue leaft it to mr Roberts best conscideration: for I am so lothe thow sholdest loose thy time with being at hom, and I am lothe likewise to haue you to be ill at ease ther wherfor if thow sholdest com home soone. I pray the resolue with thy selfe to apply thy self strictly to Certine bowers taskes every day, otherwis I am afrayd thow sholdest be wonderfully hindered in thy leavinge : but if therbe just Cawse of feare of taringe, and that you will purpos to settle thy self to parforme my desire, then Com and well com and if you hier hacknys com very easy Iorneys: but if you wold be sent for then lett me know in thy next: farwell my good child the allmighty, of his infinite mercy blese preserue and kepe the and vs all for his mercy sake:
thy most louinge Mother
Katherine Paston
To my deerest sonne William Paston
these at his lodgings at Corpus Christi College
My good will: I was in hope to haue seen thee this weeke, but I heer so bade newes of the increase of the sikenes at London, that allthough I haue great ocation to haue bine ther, yett will I forbear till it shall please god in mearcy to scease it: I am sory to think off removinge the from that good plase whear thow arte so well: nyther wold I for any Cawse haue the hom till whot wether or fear of danger provokethe me: wherfor I haue leaft it to mr Roberts best conscideration: for I am so lothe thow sholdest loose thy time with being at hom, and I am lothe likewise to haue you to be ill at ease ther wherfor if thow sholdest com home soone. I pray the resolue with thy selfe to apply thy self strictly to Certine bowers taskes every day, otherwis I am afrayd thow sholdest be wonderfully hindered in thy leavinge : but if therbe just Cawse of feare of taringe, and that you will purpos to settle thy self to parforme my desire, then Com and well com and if you hier hacknys com very easy Iorneys: but if you wold be sent for then lett me know in thy next: farwell my good child the allmighty, of his infinite mercy blese preserue and kepe the and vs all for his mercy sake:
thy most louinge Mother
Katherine Paston
To my deerest son William Paston
these at his lodgings at Corpus Christi College
My good will: I was in hope to have seen thee this weeke, but I hear so bade newes of the increase of the sickness at London, that allthough I have great ocation to have bine there, yett will I forbear till it shall please god in mearcy to scease it: I am sorry to think off removinge the from that good plase whear thow arte so well: nyther would I for any Cawse have the hom till whot wether or fear of danger provokethe me: wherfor I have leaft it to mr Roberts best conscideration: for I am so lothe thow sholdest loose thy time with being at hom, and I am lothe likewise to have you to be ill at ease there wherfor if thow sholdest come home soone. I pray the resolue with thy self to apply thy self strictly to Certine bowers taskes every day, otherwis I am afrayd thow sholdest be wonderfully hindered in thy leavinge : but if therbe just Cawse of feare of taringe, and that you will purpose to settle thy self to parforme my desire, then Come and well come and if you hier hacknys come very easy Iorneys: but if you would be sent for then let me know in thy next: farewell my good child the Almighty, of his infinite mercy blese preserve and keep the and vs all for his mercy sake:
thy most loving Mother
Katherine Paston
To my dearest son William Paston at his lodgings at Corpus Christi College Cambridge
Dear Will:
I had been hoping to see you this week, but I hear so much bad news about the plague worsening in London that although I have a great desire to be there, I will restrain myself until it pleases God in his mercy to end it. I am sorry to suggest removing you from the place which suits you so well: nor would I for any reason have you leave until the fear of danger forces me into it. So I have left it to Mr Roberts to make the decision, because I am so reluctant to have you lose time by being at home – but at the same time I don't want you to be worrying about making an early move. I beg you to be conscientious in completing your everyday tasks, or I am afraid you may be delayed when you want to leave. But if there is a good reason to worry about delaying, and you decided to go along with what I really want, then come and be welcome. You can hire a hackney carriage and have a very easy journey, but if you would prefer to be fetched, then let me know in your next letter. Farewell, my good child, and may the Almighty in his infinite mercy bless, preserve and keep you and all of us, for his mercy's sake.
Your most loving mother, Katherine