Margaret Paston to Sir John Paston, 6? July 1465

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

I grete yow wele, letyng yow wetyn þat I am informyd for certeyn þe Duc of Suffolk reysyth grete pepyl boþe in Norffolk and Suffolk to comyn doune with hym to putte us to a rebeuc and þei may; querfor I wold in ony wyse þat ze make yow as strong as ze can wyth inne place, for I and other moo suppose þat zyff they fynd zow not here they wyl seke yow there ze arn. I wold John Paston þe zonger schuld ryde azyn to my Lady of Norffolk and be wyth hyr stylle tyl we haff other tydyngs, and ther may he do sum good, after þat he heryth tydyngs, in goyng forth to hys fadyr or in to sum other place quere we may hafe remedy; for yt told me þat there ar come to Cossay onward more than ij. hundred, and ther ys comyng, as yt ys seyd, more than a thowsand. I wold þat ze sende hyder Lytyl John þat I mygth sende hym abowte on myn errandys. Sende me worde how þat ze doo by summe of þe tenantes þat be not knowyn.

Item, byd Richard Calle send me word in a bylle, of how many materys þat he hath sent myn husbond an answere of, þe quych he sendt hom in divers letters for to be sped here and of þe fermours of Tychwelle.

Item, zyf Sir Jamys Gloys may come to Norwych to Adam Taylours how I wold he come on Munday bytymys, and I schal sende to hym thyder. God kepe yow alle. Wretyn in hast on Satyrday.


Item, yt ys told me þat zong Heydon reysyth mych pepyl in þe sokyn and in other place.

Item, I wold ze schuld do Rychard Calle hye hym of makeng of alle þe acountes and, zyf nede, lete hym gete help and kepe Thomas Hunnworth stille wyth yow, and be war of of pyking.

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