This day at x. of the clok Edmund Paston and the parson of Oxened went owth of the Manor doun to Wantown Gapp, for thei herd tydynges that the freyr was comyng, and with the seyd frier came John Cates and on Whalter Herman of Wheytte, and Wylliam Yemmys of Burgh, the frieres man. And Edmund Paston seyd to John Cates Welcome, and he askyd hem what here cause was in commyng. The Frier seyd he cam for to speke with the gode lady, and Edmund seyd that he shuld speke with her. At this tyme sche was so ocupied he myth not speke with her. And he seyd that he shuld assay; and he cam redyng fro Wantown Gappe to the grete Cate, and there he lyted and knokkyd on the gate; and we folwyd as yarn as we myth; and ther was with in John Jaallere and John Edmundes, and asked the friere what he wold; and he seyd that he wuld comyn inne for to speke with the gode ladi of the hows. And thei seyd nay, he shuld not come in. And than cam on Edmund Paston and the parson, .and asked hym what was cause of his comyng at this tyme. And he seyd for to entre in the maner of Oxened, the which his fader was possessid of and his auncestres from kyng Edward the thred on to Colbys tyme, and that he had fownd a tayll ther of in the .kynges bokes. And than Edmund Paston answeryd hym and seyd that it wher best declaryng of his evydence in Westminster hall. And he seyd a geyn, so he shuld whan he myth. And he seyd to hem that come with hym, 'Serys, I chargge yow ber record how that I am kept owth with stronge hand, and may not take poscession.' And evyn forth with he presyd to the gate ward to a leyd hand on the gate. And than the seyd Edmund put hym fro the gate and seyd, `Ne wer for reverence of thy lord and myn, and thow leyst any hand on the gate I xall sey thye hert blod or thow myn.' And than the seyd frier seyd scornfully that he myth thanke his mayster. And than the seyd Edmund seyd that he myth sey his lord ryght wele, and than he stowpyd doun and toke up herd and delivered to his man, seying to hem that come with hym, ` I charge yow all of the kynges behalffe ye bere record that I take here poscession of myn inheritance.' And Edmund seyd that this takyng of poscession skylled nowgt. And than the friere seyd that sen he myth not have it nowe, he shuld come a geyn a nothir tyme. Edmund is rede forth to Heydon it was told us this afternon that ther wer iij. men come fro Skeyton and mette with the frier in the feld and spoke with hym a gode while, and than redyn the same wey that they come.
This day at x. of the clok Edmund Paston and the parson of Oxened went owth of the Manor doun to Wantown Gapp, for thei herd tydynges that the freyr was comyng, and with the seyd frier came John Cates and on Whalter Herman of Wheytte, and Wylliam Yemmys of Burgh, the frieres man. And Edmund Paston seyd to John Cates Welcome, and he askyd hem what here cause was in commyng. The Frier seyd he cam for to speke with the gode lady, and Edmund seyd that he shuld speke with her. At this tyme sche was so ocupied he myth not speke with her. And he seyd that he shuld assay; and he cam redyng fro Wantown Gappe to the grete Cate, and there he lyted and knokkyd on the gate; and we folwyd as yarn as we myth; and ther was with in John Jaallere and John Edmundes, and asked the friere what he wold; and he seyd that he wuld comyn inne for to speke with the gode ladi of the hows. And thei seyd nay, he shuld not come in. And than cam on Edmund Paston and the parson, .and asked hym what was cause of his comyng at this tyme. And he seyd for to entre in the maner of Oxened, the which his fader was possessid of and his auncestres from kyng Edward the thred on to Colbys tyme, and that he had fownd a tayll ther of in the .kynges bokes. And than Edmund Paston answeryd hym and seyd that it wher best declaryng of his evydence in Westminster hall. And he seyd a geyn, so he shuld whan he myth. And he seyd to hem that come with hym, 'Serys, I chargge yow ber record how that I am kept owth with stronge hand, and may not take poscession.' And evyn forth with he presyd to the gate ward to a leyd hand on the gate. And than the seyd Edmund put hym fro the gate and seyd, `Ne wer for reverence of thy lord and myn, and thow leyst any hand on the gate I xall sey thye hert blod or thow myn.' And than the seyd frier seyd scornfully that he myth thanke his mayster. And than the seyd Edmund seyd that he myth sey his lord ryght wele, and than he stowpyd doun and toke up herd and delivered to his man, seying to hem that come with hym, ` I charge yow all of the kynges behalffe ye bere record that I take here poscession of myn inheritance.' And Edmund seyd that this takyng of poscession skylled nowgt. And than the friere seyd that sen he myth not have it nowe, he shuld come a geyn a nothir tyme. Edmund is rede forth to Heydon it was told us this afternon that ther wer iij. men come fro Skeyton and mette with the frier in the feld and spoke with hym a gode while, and than redyn the same wey that they come.
This day at x. of the clok Edmund Paston and the parson of Oxened went owth of the Manor doun to Wantown Gapp, for thei herd tydynges that the freyr was comyng, and with the seyd frier came John Cates and on Whalter Herman of Wheytte, and Wylliam Yemmys of Burgh, the frieres man. And Edmund Paston seyd to John Cates Welcome, and he askyd hem what here cause was in commyng. The Frier seyd he cam for to speke with the gode lady, and Edmund seyd that he shuld speke with her. At this tyme sche was so ocupied he myth not speke with her. And he seyd that he shuld assay; and he cam redyng fro Wantown Gappe to the grete Cate, and there he lyted and knokkyd on the gate; and we folwyd as yarn as we myth; and ther was with in John Jaallere and John Edmundes, and asked the friere what he wold; and he seyd that he wuld comyn inne for to speke with the gode ladi of the hows. And thei seyd nay, he shuld not come in. And than cam on Edmund Paston and the parson, .and asked hym what was cause of his comyng at this tyme. And he seyd for to entre in the maner of Oxened, the which his fader was possessid of and his auncestres from kyng Edward the thred on to Colbys tyme, and that he had fownd a tayll ther of in the .kynges bokes. And than Edmund Paston answeryd hym and seyd that it wher best declaryng of his evydence in Westminster hall. And he seyd a geyn, so he shuld whan he myth. And he seyd to hem that come with hym, 'Serys, I chargge yow ber record how that I am kept owth with stronge hand, and may not take poscession.' And evyn forth with he presyd to the gate ward to a leyd hand on the gate. And than the seyd Edmund put hym fro the gate and seyd, `Ne wer for reverence of thy lord and myn, and thow leyst any hand on the gate I xall sey thye hert blod or thow myn.' And than the seyd frier seyd scornfully that he myth thanke his mayster. And than the seyd Edmund seyd that he myth sey his lord ryght wele, and than he stowpyd doun and toke up herd and delivered to his man, seying to hem that come with hym, ` I charge yow all of the kynges behalffe ye bere record that I take here poscession of myn inheritance.' And Edmund seyd that this takyng of poscession skylled nowgt. And than the friere seyd that sen he myth not have it nowe, he shuld come a geyn a nothir tyme. Edmund is rede forth to Heydon it was told us this afternon that ther wer iij. men come fro Skeyton and mette with the frier in the feld and spoke with hym a gode while, and than redyn the same wey that they come.
This day at ten. of the clock Edmund Paston and the parson of Oxnead went owth of the Manor doun to Wantown Gapp, for they herd tydynges that the freyr was coming, and with the said frier came John Cates and on Whalter Herman of Wheytte, and Wylliam Yemmys of Burgh, the frieres man. And Edmund Paston said to John Cates Welcome, and he asked hem what [here/her] cause was in commyng. The Frier said he cam for to speak with the good lady, and Edmund said that he should speak with her. At this time sche was so ocupied he myth not speak with her. And he said that he should assay; and he cam redyng from Wantown Gappe to the greet Cate, and there he lyted and knokkyd on the gate; and we folwyd as yarn as we myth; and there was with in John Jaallere and John Edmundes, and asked the friere what he would; and he said that he wuld comyn Inn for to speak with the good ladi of the hows. And they said nay, he should not come in. And than cam on Edmund Paston and the parson, .and asked him what was cause of his coming at this time. And he said for to entre in the manner of Oxnead, the which his father was possessid of and his auncestres from King Edward the thred on to Colbys time, and that he had fownd a tayll there of in the .King's books. And than Edmund Paston answeryd him and said that it where best declaryng of his evydence in Westminster hall. And he said a geyn, so he should whan he myth. And he said to hem that come with him, 'Serys, I chargge you ber record how that I am kept owth with stronge hand, and may not take poscession.' And evyn forth with he presyd to the gate ward to a leyd hand on the gate. And than the said Edmund put him from the gate and said, `No wer for reverence of thy lord and [mine/my], and thow leyst any hand on the gate I xall sey thye hert blod or thow [mine/my].' And than the said frier said scornfully that he myth thanke his mayster. And than the said Edmund said that he myth sey his lord right wele, and than he stowpyd doun and toke up herd and delivered to his man, seying to hem that come with him, ` I charge you all of the King's behalffe you bere record that I take [here/her] poscession of [mine/my] inheritance.' And Edmund said that this takyng of poscession skylled nowgt. And than the friere said that sen he myth not have it now, he should come a geyn a nothir time. Edmund is rede forth to Heydon it was told us this afternon that there wer three. men come from Skeyton and mette with the frier in the feld and spoke with him a good while, and than ridden the same wey that they come.