Wyrshypfull and my ryght gode frend, I comaund me to you. And where as I am enformed that my Lorde of Norffolk pretendeth title to serteyn londys of Sir John Pastons whych were late of Sir John Fastolf, it is sayd that by the comaundement and supportacyon of my sayd Lord, sertayn hys servaunts felleth wode, maketh grete wast, and destrayned the tenants of the seyd lands, to the grete damage of the seyd Sir John Paston and hys sayd tenants; and also that my sayd Lord entendyth to entre sertayn places of the same. And for asmoch as maryage ys fully concluded by twyx the seyd Sir John Paston and on of my nerrest kynneswomen, I dout not that your reason wele conceyveth that nature must compelle me the rather to shewe my gode wylle, assystens, and favour unto the seyd Sir John in such thyngs as concerne hys enherytans. And because I am on of my said Lordys councayll, and must and will tendre hys honour, I hertely pray you that it may lyke you to advertyse and avyse my sayd Lord and yourys, that all such entres, fellyng of wode, destraynyngs of tenants, and all such maters lyke touchyng the sayd londes or any part of them, be cessyd unto such tyme as a resonabell meane may be founde by my sayd Lords counsayll, my Lord my faders and other cousyns and frendes of my seyd kynneswoman thys next terme, as may be to my sayd Lordys honour, and to the savyng of the ryght tytle of the seyd Sir John Paston.
Over thys I pray you that ye wille enforme my gode frend James Hobard of the premysses, that he may advertyse my seyd Lord in lyke wyse; and that ye will yeve credens unto William Paston, and I shal be welwilled to do that may be to your plesur, with Godds mercy.
Fro Westmynstre, the x. day of Apryll.
Wyrshypfull and my ryght gode frend, I comaund me to you. And where as I am enformed that my Lorde of Norffolk pretendeth title to serteyn londys of Sir John Pastons whych were late of Sir John Fastolf, it is sayd that by the comaundement and supportacyon of my sayd Lord, sertayn hys servaunts felleth wode, maketh grete wast, and destrayned the tenants of the seyd lands, to the grete damage of the seyd Sir John Paston and hys sayd tenants; and also that my sayd Lord entendyth to entre sertayn places of the same. And for asmoch as maryage ys fully concluded by twyx the seyd Sir John Paston and on of my nerrest kynneswomen, I dout not that your reason wele conceyveth that nature must compelle me the rather to shewe my gode wylle, assystens, and favour unto the seyd Sir John in such thyngs as concerne hys enherytans. And because I am on of my said Lordys councayll, and must and will tendre hys honour, I hertely pray you that it may lyke you to advertyse and avyse my sayd Lord and yourys, that all such entres, fellyng of wode, destraynyngs of tenants, and all such maters lyke touchyng the sayd londes or any part of them, be cessyd unto such tyme as a resonabell meane may be founde by my sayd Lords counsayll, my Lord my faders and other cousyns and frendes of my seyd kynneswoman thys next terme, as may be to my sayd Lordys honour, and to the savyng of the ryght tytle of the seyd Sir John Paston.
Over thys I pray you that ye wille enforme my gode frend James Hobard of the premysses, that he may advertyse my seyd Lord in lyke wyse; and that ye will yeve credens unto William Paston, and I shal be welwilled to do that may be to your plesur, with Godds mercy.
Fro Westmynstre, the x. day of Apryll.
Wyrshypfull and my ryght gode frend, I comaund me to you. And where as I am enformed that my Lorde of Norffolk pretendeth title to serteyn londys of Sir John Pastons whych were late of Sir John Fastolf, it is sayd that by the comaundement and supportacyon of my sayd Lord, sertayn hys servaunts felleth wode, maketh grete wast, and destrayned the tenants of the seyd lands, to the grete damage of the seyd Sir John Paston and hys sayd tenants; and also that my sayd Lord entendyth to entre sertayn places of the same. And for asmoch as maryage ys fully concluded by twyx the seyd Sir John Paston and on of my nerrest kynneswomen, I dout not that your reason wele conceyveth that nature must compelle me the rather to shewe my gode wylle, assystens, and favour unto the seyd Sir John in such thyngs as concerne hys enherytans. And because I am on of my said Lordys councayll, and must and will tendre hys honour, I hertely pray you that it may lyke you to advertyse and avyse my sayd Lord and yourys, that all such entres, fellyng of wode, destraynyngs of tenants, and all such maters lyke touchyng the sayd londes or any part of them, be cessyd unto such tyme as a resonabell meane may be founde by my sayd Lords counsayll, my Lord my faders and other cousyns and frendes of my seyd kynneswoman thys next terme, as may be to my sayd Lordys honour, and to the savyng of the ryght tytle of the seyd Sir John Paston.
Over thys I pray you that ye wille enforme my gode frend James Hobard of the premysses, that he may advertyse my seyd Lord in lyke wyse; and that ye will yeve credens unto William Paston, and I shal be welwilled to do that may be to your plesur, with Godds mercy.
Fro Westmynstre, the x. day of Apryll.
Wyrshypfull and my right good friend, I commend me to you. And where as I am informed that my Lorde of Norfolk pretendeth title to serteyn londys of Sir John Paston's whych were late of Sir John Fastolf, it is sayd that by the commandment and supportacyon of my sayd Lord, sertayn his servaunts felleth wode, makes greet wast, and destrayned the tenants of the said lands, to the greet damage of the said Sir John Paston and his sayd tenants; and also that my sayd Lord entendyth to entre sertayn places of the same. And for asmoch as maryage is fully concluded by twyx the said Sir John Paston and on of my nerrest kynneswomen, I dout not that your reason wele conceyveth that nature must compelle me the rather to show my good wylle, assystens, and favour unto the said Sir John in such thyngs as concerne his enherytans. And because I am on of my said Lordys councayll, and must and will tendre his honour, I hertely pray you that it may like you to advertyse and avyse my sayd Lord and yourys, that all such entres, fellyng of wode, destraynyngs of tenants, and all such maters like touching the sayd londes or any part of them, be cessyd unto such time as a resonabell meane may be founde by my sayd Lords counsayll, my Lord my faders and other cousyns and frendes of my said kynneswoman thys next terme, as may be to my sayd Lordys honour, and to the savyng of the right tytle of the said Sir John Paston.
Over thys I pray you that you will enforme my good friend James Hobard of the premysses, that he may advertyse my said Lord in like wise; and that you will you've credens unto William Paston, and I shall be welwilled to do that may be to your plesur, with Godds mercy.
From Westminster, the ten. day of Apryll.
Worshipful and my right good friend, my best wishes to you. I am informed that my Lord of Norfolk claims title to certain lands of Sir John Paston, formerly owned by Sir John Fastolf. It is said that through the command and support of my said lord, certain of his staff are cutting wood, making great waste and destroyed the tenements of the said lands, to the great damage of the said Sir John Paston and his tenants, and also that my said lord intends to enter certain properties of the same. As marriage is fully agreed between the said Sir John Paston and one of my nearest kinswomen, you will doubtless understand that nature compels me the rather to show goodwill, assistance and favour to the said Sir John in such things as concern his inheritance; and because I am on my said lord's council, and must and will see to his honour, I heartily ask you that it may be to your liking to advertise and advise my said lord and yours that all such taking of property by entry, felling of wood, destroying of tenements, and all such matters likewise touching the said lands or any parts of them should be ceased until such times as a reasonable means be found by my said lord's council, my lord my fathers, and other cousins and friends of my said kinswoman this next season, as may be to my said lord's honour and to the saving of the right title of the said Sir John Paston.
On this I ask you to inform my good friend James Hobard of the aforesaid matters, that he may inform my said lord about them; and that you will let William Paston know. I shall be favourably disposed to do what you would wish, with God's mercy.
Written at Westminster 10th April.