Sir John Paston to John Paston, 18th September 1469

John Paston II
15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

To John Paston, and to non othyr.

I recomand me to yow, and promyse yow þat I have and schall labore and fynde the meane þat ye schall have honor of yowr delyng as ye have hyddr towards, as all Ingelond and every man reportythe; and moreover I am in weye for it by many dyverse weys, wherof ther schall be one exicutyd by thys day xiiij. nyght at the ferthest, and peraventur within vij. dayes. And iff ye maye kepe it so longe, I wold be gladde, and aftr þat iff ye have nott from me other wryghtyng, þat than ye do ther in for yowr saffgarde and yowr felaschep only, and to yowr worschypys; and as for the place, no force therfor. Ye knowe thys hande, therfor nedythe no mencion from whem it comythe; and more ovyr, they þat be abut yow be in obloquy of all men, and mor ovyr they have ben wretyn to by alse speciall wryghtyng as myght be, after the worlde þat now is, and promyse yow þat the Dukes concell wolde þat they had nevyr be gon it; and more ovyr they be chargyd in payne of ther lyvys, þat thow they gate the place, they scholde not hurt on of yow. Ther is nowther ye ner none with yow, but and he knewe what is generally reportyd of hym, he or ye, and God fortewne yow wele, may thynke hym iiij. tymes better in reputacion of all folk than evyr he was. Be war whom ye make a concell to thys mater.

Also I lete yow wete þat I am in moche mor comfort of yow than I maye wryght, and they þat be about yow have cawse to be mor ferde than ye have; and also bewar of spendyng of yowr stuffe of qwarellys, powdr, and stone, so þat if they assaut yow er we come, þat ye have stuffe to dyffende yow of over, and than of my lyfe ye get no mor, and þat your felaschyp be evyr ocopyed in renewyng of your stuffe.

Wretyn the Mondaye next aftr Holy Roode Daye.

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I trow, thow ye be not prevy ther to, ther is taken a trews new tyl thys day vij. nygh.

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