The Duc of Norffolk.
Where John Paston, esquier, and other divers persones have, ageyn the peas, kepte the manoir of Caster with force, ageyne the wille and entent of us the Duc of Norffolk, to oure grete displeaser; whiche notwithstanding, at the contemplacion of the writing of the moost worshipfull and reverent Fader in God the Cardenall of England, and our moost trusty and entierly beloved Unkel the Archbisshop of Canterbury, the right noble Prince my Lord of Clarence, and other Lords of oure blood, and also at the grete labour and enstaunce of our moost dere and singler belovid wiffe, we be agreed that the seid John Paston and his seid fellaship, beyng in the seid maneur, shall depart and goo out of the seid maneur without delay, and make therof deliveraunce to suche persones as we will assigne, the seid fellaship havyng their lyves and goods, horsse, and harneys, and other goods beyng in the kepyng of the seid John Paston; except gonnes, crossebows, and quarells, and alle other hostelments, to the seid maneur annexed and belonginge. And to have xv. dayes respyte aftir their seid departing out, to goo in to what place shall like theim, without any accions or quarell to be taken or made by us, in our name to theim, or any of theim, within our fraunchise or without, duryng the seid tyme.
Yoven under our signet at Yermouth the xxvj. day of Septembr the ixte yere of King Edward the iiijth.
The Duc of Norffolk.
Where John Paston, esquier, and other divers persones have, ageyn the peas, kepte the manoir of Caster with force, ageyne the wille and entent of us the Duc of Norffolk, to oure grete displeaser; whiche notwithstanding, at the contemplacion of the writing of the moost worshipfull and reverent Fader in God the Cardenall of England, and our moost trusty and entierly beloved Unkel the Archbisshop of Canterbury, the right noble Prince my Lord of Clarence, and other Lords of oure blood, and also at the grete labour and enstaunce of our moost dere and singler belovid wiffe, we be agreed that the seid John Paston and his seid fellaship, beyng in the seid maneur, shall depart and goo out of the seid maneur without delay, and make therof deliveraunce to suche persones as we will assigne, the seid fellaship havyng their lyves and goods, horsse, and harneys, and other goods beyng in the kepyng of the seid John Paston; except gonnes, crossebows, and quarells, and alle other hostelments, to the seid maneur annexed and belonginge. And to have xv. dayes respyte aftir their seid departing out, to goo in to what place shall like theim, without any accions or quarell to be taken or made by us, in our name to theim, or any of theim, within our fraunchise or without, duryng the seid tyme.
Yoven under our signet at Yermouth the xxvj. day of Septembr the ixte yere of King Edward the iiijth.
The Duc of Norffolk.
Where John Paston, esquier, and other divers persones have, ageyn the peas, kepte the manoir of Caster with force, ageyne the wille and entent of us the Duc of Norffolk, to oure grete displeaser; whiche notwithstanding, at the contemplacion of the writing of the moost worshipfull and reverent Fader in God the Cardenall of England, and our moost trusty and entierly beloved Unkel the Archbisshop of Canterbury, the right noble Prince my Lord of Clarence, and other Lords of oure blood, and also at the grete labour and enstaunce of our moost dere and singler belovid wiffe, we be agreed that the seid John Paston and his seid fellaship, beyng in the seid maneur, shall depart and goo out of the seid maneur without delay, and make therof deliveraunce to suche persones as we will assigne, the seid fellaship havyng their lyves and goods, horsse, and harneys, and other goods beyng in the kepyng of the seid John Paston; except gonnes, crossebows, and quarells, and alle other hostelments, to the seid maneur annexed and belonginge. And to have xv. dayes respyte aftir their seid departing out, to goo in to what place shall like theim, without any accions or quarell to be taken or made by us, in our name to theim, or any of theim, within our fraunchise or without, duryng the seid tyme.
Yoven under our signet at Yermouth the xxvj. day of Septembr the ixte yere of King Edward the iiijth.
The Duc of Norfolk.
Where John Paston, esquier, and other divers persones have, again the peas, kept the manoir of Caister-on-Sea with force, ageyne the will and entent of us the Duc of Norfolk, to our greet displeaser; whiche notwithstanding, at the contemplacion of the writing of the moost worshipful and reverent Father in God the Cardenall of England, and our moost trusty and entirely beloved Unkel the Archbisshop of Canterbury, the right noble Prince my Lord of Clarence, and other Lords of our blood, and also at the greet labour and enstaunce of our moost dear and singler belovid wiffe, we be agreed that the said John Paston and his said fellaship, beyng in the said maneur, shall depart and goo out of the said maneur without delay, and make thereof deliveraunce to suche persones as we will assigne, the said fellaship havyng their lyves and goods, horsse, and harneys, and other goods beyng in the keeping of the said John Paston; except gonnes, crossebows, and quarells, and all other hostelments, to the said maneur annexed and belonginge. And to have 15. days respyte aftir their said departing out, to goo in to what place shall like theim, without any accions or quarell to be taken or made by us, in our name to theim, or any of theim, within our fraunchise or without, duryng the said time.
Yoven under our signet at Great Yarmouth the xxvj. day of Septembr the ixte yere of King Edward the iiijth.
The Duke of Norfolk
Whereas John Paston Esquire and various other people have, against the peace, kept the manor of Paston by force, against the will of us, the Duke of Norfolk, to our great displeasure, nevertheless, in consideration of what has been written by the most worshipful and reverend father in God the Cardinal of England, and our most trusty and entirely beloved uncle the Archbishop of Canterbury, the most noble prince my Lord of Clarence, and other Lords of our blood, and also at the great labour and instance of our most dear and singularly beloved wife, we agree that the said John Paston and his associates, being in the said manor, shall leave and go out of the said manor without delay, and to hand it over to such a person as we shall appoint, the said associates having their lives, property, horse, harness and other goods for which the said John Paston is responsible, except for guns, crossbows and quarrels and all other furnishings which are part of and belonging to the said manor. They are to have fifteen days respite after this departure, to go to wherever they wish, without any actions or argument to be taken or made by us, in our name to them, or any of them, within our area of responsibility or without, for the said time.
Given under our seal at Yarmouth the 26th day of Septembers the 9th year of King Edward IV.