John Paston of Gelston to Margaret Paston

John Paston III
15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

Aftyr humbyll and most dew recomendacyon, in as humbyll wyse as I can, I beseche you of your blyssyng, preying God to reward you with as myche plesyer and hertys ease as I have latward causyd you to have trowbyll and thowght; and, with Godys grace, it shall not be longe to or then my wronges and othyr menys shall be redressyd, for the world was nevyr so lyek to be owyrs as it is now; werfor I prey you let Lomnor no be to besy as yet. Modyr, I beseche you, and ye may spare eny money, that ye wyll do your almesse on me and send me some in as hasty wyse as is possybyll; for by my trowthe my leche crafte and fesyk, and rewardys to them that have kept me and condyt me to London, hathe cost me sythe Estern Day more than v_li._, and now I haue neythyr met, drynk, clothys, lechecraft, ner money but up on borowyng; and I have asayid my frendys so ferre, that they be gyn to fayle now in my gretest ned that evyr I was in. Also, modyr, I beseche yow, and my horse that was at lechecraft at the Holt be not takyn up for the Kynges hawkys,[102-4] that he may be had hom and kept in your plase, and not to go owght to watyr, nor no whedyr ellys, but that the gat be shet, and he to be chasyd aftyr watyr within your plase, and that he have as myche met as he may ete; I have hey i new of myn owne, and as for otys, Dollys will purvey for hym, or who that dothe it I wyll paye. And I beseche yow that he have every wek iij. boshell of otys, and every day a penyworthe of bred; and if Botoner be not at Norwyche, and Syme kep hym, I shall geve hym well for hys labore. Also that Phelypp Loveday put the othyr horse to gresse ther, as he and I wer acordyd.

Item, that Botoner send me hyddyr the two shyrtys that wer in my casket, and that he send me hydyr xl_s._ by the next messenger that comyth to London.

Item, that Mastress Broom send me hedyr iij. longe gownys and ij. doblettes, and a jaket of plonket chamlett, and a morey bonet out of my cofyr. Sir Jamys hathe the key, as I sent hyr werd be for thys.

Item, that syche othyr wryghtynges and stuff as was in my kasket be in your kepyng, and that no body look my wryghtynges.

Item, that the horse that Purdy hathe of myne be put to some good gresse in haste; and if it plese yow to have knowlage of our royal person, I thank God I am hole of my syknesse, and trust to be clene hole of all my hurttys within a sevennyght at the ferthest, by wyche tym I trust to have othyr tydynges; and those tydynges onys had, I trust not to be longe owght of Norffolk, with Godys grace, Whom I beseche preserve you and your for my part.

Wretyn the last day of Apryll. The berer herof can tell you tydynges, syche as be trew for very serteyn.

Your humbylest servaunt,


Davis suggests that John Paston uses the name John of Gelston as a 'code' name within the family, indicating which John he is - and that he was probably born at Geldeston.

John had been wounded at the battle of Barnet.

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