Ryth worschypful ser, I recomande me to youre good masterchep. Plesseth yow to wete that I haue receyvid Wheteley letter where-in is wretyn that I chuld send you mony that I haue receyvid at Paston. Sere, I haue spoke with youre tenauntys at Paston, Bakton, and othir placys, but I receyvid no mony of noon of hem. They wend an had yow there ore this tyme. I haue be there with youre tenauntys for here areragys, and they arn better plessid to pay you þe mony thanne Master Will P., be so they be sauyd harmles. I haue putte hem in as good comforte as I can, and ye muste take hed pat they be not sewyd be no wrytys this terme but þat rthey peyntid til ye speke with hem.
Sere, I send you r a bylle of here dettys. Sere, I chal be at Paston the next weke also. As for mony, I kan non send you at this tyme, for I haue not yet take as meche as pe gravore hath of me.
Item, as for this feschyng there was neuer sen a wars, for there can non heryng be bowte in this contre ondir xiij s. iiij d. a bare! and viij s. iiij d. a kade, be-syde al othir costys.
Item, þe swannys ware sente forth the next weke after youre departyng. As for John Osbarn and Munde the hen heylle and mery, blessid be God; and for deth, Caster and Mawteby there deyd non son Michellmas, at Fylby, Ormysby, and Scrowby and othir placys they dey stylle. God sessid, and send youre masterschep vyctory of youre adversseris.
Wretyn at Mawteby the iiij day of Novembre.
Be youre bedeman WILL PEKOC
Ryth worschypful ser, I recomande me to youre good masterchep. Plesseth yow to wete that I haue receyvid Wheteley letter where-in is wretyn that I chuld send you mony that I haue receyvid at Paston. Sere, I haue spoke with youre tenauntys at Paston, Bakton, and othir placys, but I receyvid no mony of noon of hem. They wend an had yow there ore this tyme. I haue be there with youre tenauntys for here areragys, and they arn better plessid to pay you þe mony thanne Master Will P., be so they be sauyd harmles. I haue putte hem in as good comforte as I can, and ye muste take hed pat they be not sewyd be no wrytys this terme but þat rthey peyntid til ye speke with hem.
Sere, I send you r a bylle of here dettys. Sere, I chal be at Paston the next weke also. As for mony, I kan non send you at this tyme, for I haue not yet take as meche as pe gravore hath of me.
Item, as for this feschyng there was neuer sen a wars, for there can non heryng be bowte in this contre ondir xiij s. iiij d. a bare! and viij s. iiij d. a kade, be-syde al othir costys.
Item, þe swannys ware sente forth the next weke after youre departyng. As for John Osbarn and Munde the hen heylle and mery, blessid be God; and for deth, Caster and Mawteby there deyd non son Michellmas, at Fylby, Ormysby, and Scrowby and othir placys they dey stylle. God sessid, and send youre masterschep vyctory of youre adversseris.
Wretyn at Mawteby the iiij day of Novembre.
Be youre bedeman WILL PEKOC
Ryth worschypful ser, I recomande me to youre good masterchep. Plesseth yow to wete that I haue receyvid Wheteley letter where-in is wretyn that I chuld send you mony that I haue receyvid at Paston. Sere, I haue spoke with youre tenauntys at Paston, Bakton, and othir placys, but I receyvid no mony of noon of hem. They wend an had yow there ore this tyme. I haue be there with youre tenauntys for here areragys, and they arn better plessid to pay you þe mony thanne Master Will P., be so they be sauyd harmles. I haue putte hem in as good comforte as I can, and ye muste take hed pat they be not sewyd be no wrytys this terme but þat rthey peyntid til ye speke with hem.
Sere, I send you r a bylle of here dettys. Sere, I chal be at Paston the next weke also. As for mony, I kan non send you at this tyme, for I haue not yet take as meche as pe gravore hath of me.
Item, as for this feschyng there was neuer sen a wars, for there can non heryng be bowte in this contre ondir xiij s. iiij d. a bare! and viij s. iiij d. a kade, be-syde al othir costys.
Item, þe swannys ware sente forth the next weke after youre departyng. As for John Osbarn and Munde the hen heylle and mery, blessid be God; and for deth, Caster and Mawteby there deyd non son Michellmas, at Fylby, Ormysby, and Scrowby and othir placys they dey stylle. God sessid, and send youre masterschep vyctory of youre adversseris.
Wretyn at Mawteby the iiij day of Novembre.
Be youre bedeman WILL PEKOC
Right worschypful sir, I recomande me to your good masterchep. Plesseth you to wait that I have receyvid Wheteley letter where-in is written that I chuld send you money that I have receyvid at Paston. Sere, I have spoke with your tenauntys at Paston, Bacton, and othir placys, but I receyvid no money of no of hem. They wend an had you there ore this time. I have be there with your tenauntys for [here/her] areragys, and they arn better plessid to pay you þe money thanne Master Will P., be so they be sauyd harmles. I have putte hem in as good comforte as I can, and you muste take hed pat they be not sewyd be no wrytys this terme but þat rthey peyntid til you speak with hem.
Sere, I send you r a bill of [here/her] dettys. Sere, I chal be at Paston the next weke also. As for money, I kan no send you at this time, for I have not yet take as meche as pe gravore has of me.
Item, as for this feschyng there was neuer sen a wars, for there can no heryng be bowte in this contre ondir xiij s. iiij d. a bare! and viij s. iiij d. a barrel, cask, be-syde al othir costys.
Item, þe swannys ware sente forth the next weke after your departyng. As for John Osbarn and Munde the hen heylle and mery, blessid be God; and for death, Caister-on-Sea and Mawteby there deyd no son Michellmas, at Filby, Ormesby, and Scratby and othir placys they dey stylle. God sessid, and send your masterschep vyctory of your adversseris.
Written at Mautby the iiij day of Novembre.
Be your bedeman WILL PEKOC
Respected sir, I am your servant. I'm pleased to let you know that I have received the letter from Whetely which says I should send you the money I have received at Paston. Sir, I have spoken with your tenants at Paston, Bacton and other places but I've received no payments from any of them. They would rather you had come yourself. I have asked your tenants about their arrears but they'd rather pay you than pay me, Will Peacock, so that they run no risk. I have reassured them a much as I can, and they should not be sued or served writs at this time, and not penalised until they see you.
Sir, I am sending you a note of their debts. Sir, I will be at Paston next week as well. In respect of money, I can't send you any at the moment, as I have not yet taken as much as the engraver had from me.
Sir, as for the fishing, it was never worse. No herring can be bought around here for less than 13 shillings and fourpence a barrel, and eight shillings and fourpence a cask.
The swans were sent the week after you left. John Osborn and Munde are in good form. No-one at Caister or Mautby has died since Michaelmas, but there are deaths still at Filby, Ormesby and Scroby, as well as other places. God be with you, my master, and send you victory over your enemies.
Written at Mautby the 4th day of November.
By your worthy bailiff Will Peacock