John Paston to Sir John Paston, 21st September 1472

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

To my ryght worchepfull brodyr, Sir John Paston, Knyght.

Ryght worchepfull sir, I recomand me to yow, letyng yow wet that your desyer as for the Knyghts of the Shyer was an impossoybyl to be browght abowght; ffor my Lord of Norffolk and my Lord of Suffolk wer agreid i mor then a fortnyght go to have Sir Robert Wyngfeld, and Sir Rychard Harcort, and that knew I not tyll it was Fryday last past. I had sent or I rod to Framlynham, to warne as many of your frends to be at Norwyche as thys Monday, to serve your entent as I koud; but when I cam to Framlynham, and knew the apoyntment that was taken for the ij. knyghts, I sent warnyng ayen to as many I myght to tery at hom; and yet ther cam to Norwyche thys day as many as ther costs dreave to ix_s._ i_d._ ob., payid and reknyd by Pekok and R. Capron, and yet they dyd but brak ther fest and depertyd. And I thankyd hem in your name, and told them that ye wold have noo voyse as thys day, for ye supposyd not to be in Inglond when the Perlement shold be, and so they cam not at the sherhous; for if they had, it was thought by syche as be your frends here, that your adversarys wold have reportyd that ye had mad labor to have ben one, and that ye koud not bryng your purpose abowght.

I sent to Yermowthe, and they have promysyd also to Doctor Aleyn and John Russe to be mor then iij. wekys goo.

Jamys Arblaster hathe wretyn a lettyr to the Bayle of Maldon, in Essex, to have yow a bergeys ther; howe Jwde shall sped, let hym tell yow, when ye spek to gedyr.

Syr, I have ben twyis at Framlyngham sythe your departyng, but now, the last time the consayll was ther, I sye yow lettyr whyche was bettyr then well endyghtyd. R. C. was not at Framlyngham when the consayll was ther, but I took myn owne avyse, and delyvered it to the consayll with a propocysion ther with, as well as I kowd spek it, and my wordys wer well takyn, but your lettyr a thousand fold bettyr. When they had red it, they shewd it to my Lady. Aftyr that my Lady had sen it, I spok with my Lady offryng to my Lord and her your servyse, and besyd that, ye to do my Lord a plesur] and hyr a bettyr, so as ye myght depert wyth ought eny some specyfyid. She wold not tell in that mater, but remyttyd me ayen to the consayll, for she seyd, and she speke in it, tyll my Lord and the consayll wer agreed, they wold ley the wyght of all the mater on hyr, whyche shold be reportyd to hyr shame; but thys she promyseid to be helpyng, so it wer fyrst mevyd by the consayll. Then I went to the consayll, and offyrd befor them your servyse to my Lord, and to do hym a plesure, for the haveing ayen of your place and londys in Caster, xl_li._ not spekyng of your stuff nor thyng ellys. So they answerd me your offyr was more then resonabyll; and if the mater wer thers, they seyd, they wyst what conscyence wold dryve hem to. They seyd they wold meve my Lord with it, and so they dyd, but then the tempest aros, and he gave hem syche an answer that non of hem all wold tell it me; but when I axid an answer of them, they seyd, and [_if_] som Lordys or gretter men mevyd my Lord with it, the mater wer your (kepe consaile), and with thys answer I depertyd. But Syr W. Brandon, Sothewell, Tymperley, Herry Wentworthe, W. Gornay, and all other of consayll, undyrstand that ye have wronge, insomyche that they mevyd me that ye shold take a recompence of other lond to the valew; but they wold not avowe the offyr, for I anserd hem that if they had ryght they wold have ofred no recompence. Dyscovyr not thys, but in my reason, and my Lord Chamberleyn wold send my Lady a letter with some privy tokyn betwyx theym, and allso to meve my Lord of Norffolk when he comyth to the Parlement, serteynly Caster is yours.

If ye mysse to be burgeys of Maldon, and my Lord Chamberleyn wyll, ye may be in a nother plase; ther be a doseyn townys in Inglond that chesse no bergeys, whyche ought to do, and ye may be set in for one of those townys, and ye be frendyd. Also in no wyse forget not in all hast to get some goodly ryng, pryse of xx_s._, or som praty flowyr of the same pryse, and not undyr, to geve to Jane Rodon, for she hathe ben the most specyall laborer in your mater, and hathe promysyd hyr good wyll foorthe, and she doeth all with hyr mastresse. And my Lord Chamberleyn wyll, he may cause my Lord of Norffolk to com up soner to the Parlement then he shold do, and then he may apoynt with hym for yow, or the ferm corn be gadryd. I profyrd but xl_li._, and if my Lord Chamberleyn profyr my Lady the remenaunt, I can thynk it shall be taken. My Lady must have somwhat to bye hyr kovercheff besyd my Lord. A soper that I payd for, wher all the consayll was at Framlyngham, ij_s._ iij_d._, and my costs at Framlyngham twyis lying ther by viii. dayis, with ix_s._ i_d._ ob., for costs of the contre at Norwyche drawyth abowght xx_s._, I trowe more: by our Lady, if it be lesse, stand to your harmys, and _sic remanet_ v_li._ xiij_s._ iii_d._

I axe no more gods of you for all the servyse that I shall do yow whyll the world standyth, but a gosshawke, if eny of my Lord Chamberleyns men or yours goo to Kaleys, or if eny be to get in London; that is, a mewyd hawk, for she may make yow sporte when ye com into Inglond a doseyn yer hens, and to call upon yow owyrly, nyghtly, dayly, dyner, soper, for thys hawk. I pray noo more but my brother E., J. Pampyng, Thyrston, J. Myryel, W. Pytte, T. Plattyng Jwde, lityll Jak, Mastyr Botoner, and W. Wood to boote, to whyche persons I prey yow to comand me; and if all thes lyst to spek to yow of thys mater when Sir George Browne, W. Knyvett, R. Hyd, or eny folk of worchepp and of my aqweyntanse be in your compeny, so that they may helpe forthe, for all is lytyll i nowe, and ye be not very well wyllyng, I shall so pervey for hem, and ever ye com to Norwyche, and they with yow, that they shall have as deynte vytayll and as gret plente therof for i_d._ as they shall have of the tresorer of Caleys for xv_d._, and ye, peraventure, a pye of Wymondham to boote. Now thynk on me, good Lord, for if I have not an hawke, I shall wax fatt for default of labor, and ded for default of company by my trowthe. No more, but I pray God send you all your desyrs, and me my mwyd gosshawk in hast, or rather then fayle, a sowyr hawke. Ther is a grosser dwellyng ryght over ayenst the well with ij. boketts a lytyll fro Seynt Elens, hathe evyr hawkys to sell.

Wretyn at Norwyche the xxj. day of September, Anno E. iiijti xijo.

J. P.

Rather then faylle, a tarsell provyd wyll occupy the tyme tyll I com to Caleys.

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