To my beloued sonne - william Paston
these att Corpus Christy Colledge these Cambridge
My good chilld the Lord blese the ever: I haue a great desire to heer how you doe with your cowld. I hope you will haue so good a care as that it shall not increase vpon the. which I might well perceiue it did heer: I haue not herd directly from paston sine your goinge a way from pagraue but at a seconde hand I heard it. that Iohn Gowld shold report that an other died in Coks howse on thursday last but I beinge at Linne on munday last on of our company spake with Gowllt ther: who sayd hee cam from paston on friday last. and then ther wear not any more dead. then was befor your goinge from hence: but he heard owld Coke had gotten cowld and was not very well: so what is true I know not, it is strange that two so neer nayghbours shold differ so fare in ther repoorts: I shall be very glad if the market man you tell me ofe, may prove a certine mesinger betwen vs. I doe giue the ventur first. if this shold miscary I wold seeke a new one: I pray the commend me most kindly to good mr Roberts I will some other time wright to him. but at this time I am good weary of my late Iorny from line: wher I taried not full 23 howers. but I was never wearier of any London Iorny then of this. farwell my good chilld commend me to thy cosine Robine. and thy owne sellfe whowm I wish too as my owne sowle : in hast
Pagraue this
Ash wedensday 1626/7
thy most louinge Mother: Katherine Paston
To my beloued sonne - william Paston
these att Corpus Christy Colledge these Cambridge
My good chilld the Lord blese the ever: I haue a great desire to heer how you doe with your cowld. I hope you will haue so good a care as that it shall not increase vpon the. which I might well perceiue it did heer: I haue not herd directly from paston sine your goinge a way from pagraue but at a seconde hand I heard it. that Iohn Gowld shold report that an other died in Coks howse on thursday last but I beinge at Linne on munday last on of our company spake with Gowllt ther: who sayd hee cam from paston on friday last. and then ther wear not any more dead. then was befor your goinge from hence: but he heard owld Coke had gotten cowld and was not very well: so what is true I know not, it is strange that two so neer nayghbours shold differ so fare in ther repoorts: I shall be very glad if the market man you tell me ofe, may prove a certine mesinger betwen vs. I doe giue the ventur first. if this shold miscary I wold seeke a new one: I pray the commend me most kindly to good mr Roberts I will some other time wright to him. but at this time I am good weary of my late Iorny from line: wher I taried not full 23 howers. but I was never wearier of any London Iorny then of this. farwell my good chilld commend me to thy cosine Robine. and thy owne sellfe whowm I wish too as my owne sowle : in hast
Pagraue this
Ash wedensday 1626/7
thy most louinge Mother: Katherine Paston
To my beloued sonne - william Paston
these att Corpus Christy Colledge these Cambridge
My good chilld the Lord blese the ever: I haue a great desire to heer how you doe with your cowld. I hope you will haue so good a care as that it shall not increase vpon the. which I might well perceiue it did heer: I haue not herd directly from paston sine your goinge a way from pagraue but at a seconde hand I heard it. that Iohn Gowld shold report that an other died in Coks howse on thursday last but I beinge at Linne on munday last on of our company spake with Gowllt ther: who sayd hee cam from paston on friday last. and then ther wear not any more dead. then was befor your goinge from hence: but he heard owld Coke had gotten cowld and was not very well: so what is true I know not, it is strange that two so neer nayghbours shold differ so fare in ther repoorts: I shall be very glad if the market man you tell me ofe, may prove a certine mesinger betwen vs. I doe giue the ventur first. if this shold miscary I wold seeke a new one: I pray the commend me most kindly to good mr Roberts I will some other time wright to him. but at this time I am good weary of my late Iorny from line: wher I taried not full 23 howers. but I was never wearier of any London Iorny then of this. farwell my good chilld commend me to thy cosine Robine. and thy owne sellfe whowm I wish too as my owne sowle : in hast
Pagraue this
Ash wedensday 1626/7
thy most louinge Mother: Katherine Paston
To my beloved son - william Paston
these at Corpus Christy College these Cambridge
My good chilld the Lord blese the ever: I have a great desire to hear how you do with your cowld. I hope you will have so good a care as that it shall not increase upon the. which I might well perceiue it did hear: I have not herd directly from paston sine your goinge a way from Palgrave Hall but at a seconde hand I heard it. that Iohn Gold shold report that an other died in Coks howse on thursday last but I beinge at King's Lynn on Monday last on of our company spake with Gowllt there: who sayd hee cam from Paston on friday last. and then there wear not any more dead. then was before your goinge from hence: but he heard owld Coke had gotten cowld and was not very well: so what is true I know not, it is strange that two so neer nayghbours shold differ so fare in there repoorts: I shall be very glad if the market man you tell me ofe, may prove a certine mesinger between vs. I do giue the ventur first. if this shold miscary I would seeke a new one: I pray the commend me most kindly to good mr Roberts I will some other time write to him. but at this time I am good weary of my late Iorny from line: where I taried not full 23 howers. but I was never wearier of any London Iorny then of this. farewell my good chilld commend me to thy cosine Robine. and thy owne sellfe whowm I wish too as my owne soul : in haste
Pagraue this
Ash wedensday 1626/7
thy most loving Mother: Katherine Paston
To my beloved son William Paston at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
My dear child, the Lord bless you always. I am very eager to hear how you are doing with your cold. I hope you take good care of yourself so that it does not get worse, which I might imagine it does from here. I have not heard directly from Paston since you left Palgrave, but I heard secondhand that John Gould had reported that someone else had died in Cocks house last Thursday. I was at Lynn last Monday, and someone there had spoken to Gould, who said he had come come from Paston on Friday, and at that time there were no more dead there since you had left, but he heard old Cock had caught a cold and was not very well. I don't know what is true: it is strange that so such close neighbours should differ so much in their reports. I shall be very glad if the merchant you tell me of proves a reliable messenger between us, and I will give him a try first. But if it goes wrong I will find a new one. Please give my regards to good Mr Roberts: I will write to him another time, but at the moment I am really tired out by my recent journey from Lynn, where I stayed for less than 23 hours. But I have never been more tired by any journey from London than this. Farewell, son: remember me to your cousin Robin, and remember my concern for you, whom I love as much as my own soul.
In haste this Ash Wednesday 1626/7
Your most loving mother, Katharine Paston