To Master Sir John Paston, Knyght.
Ryght worchepfull syr, I recomand me to yow, thankyng yow most hertly of your dylygence and cost whyche ye had in gettyng of the hawk, whyche ye sent me, for well I wot your labore and trowbyll in that mater was as myche as thow she had ben the best of the world; but, so God help me, as ferforthe as the most conyng estragers that ever I spak with can imagyn, she shall never serve but to ley eggys, for she is bothe a mwer de haye, and also she hathe ben so brooseid with cariage of fewle that she is as good as lame in boothe hyr leggys, as every man may se at iee. Wherfor all syche folk as have seen hyr avyse me to cast hyr in to some wood, wher as I wyll have hyr to eyer; but I wyll do ther in as ye wyll, whedyr ye wyll I send hyr yow ayen, or cast hyr in Thorpe wood and a tarsell with hyr, for I weit wher on is. But now I dar no more put yow to the cost of an hawke, but, for Godes sake, and ther be eny tersell or good chep goshawk that myght be gotyn, that the berer herof may have hyr to bryng me, and I ensuer yow be my trowthe ye shall have Dollys and Browne bonde to paye yow at Kandyllmas the pryse of the hawke. Now, and ye have as many ladyse as ye wer wont to have, I reqwere yow for hyr sake that ye best love of theym all, onys trowbyll yowr syllf for me in thys mater, and be owght of my clamor.
Item, as for the ryng, it is delyverd, but I had as gret peyn to make hyr take it as ever I had in syche a mater; but I have promyseid yow to be hyr knyght, and she hathe promyseid me to be more at your comandment then at eny knyghtes in Inglond, my Lord reservyd; and that ye shall well undyrstand, if ye have owght to do, wherin she may be an helper; for ther was never knyght dyd so myche cost on hyr as ye have doon.
I mervyall that I her no woord of the lettyrs that my Lord Chamberleyn shold send to my Lord and my Lady for Caster. It is best that my Lord Chamberleyn wryght to my Lady by som prevy tokyn betwyx theym, and let a man of hys com with the lettrys. My Lord Chamberleyn may speed with my Lady what maters he wyll, savyng the gret mater; and if ye inbyll me for a solysitor, I shal be _a vouster comandment a touz jours_.
Item, me thynkyth that ye do evyll that ye go not thorewgh with my Lady of Suffolk for Heylysdon and Drayton; for ther shold growe mony to you, whyche wold qwyte yow ayenst R. T. and all other, and set yow befor for ever.
I prey yow for your ease, and all others to you ward, plye thes maters. As for alle other thynges, I shall send yow an answer, when I com to Norwyche, whyche shall be on Thorsday, with Godes grace. I have teryd her at Framlyngham thys sevennyght, for [my] Lady took not hyr chambyr tyll yersterday. Adewe.
Wretyn on Seynt Kateryns Evyn.
J. P.
To Master Sir John Paston, Knyght.
Ryght worchepfull syr, I recomand me to yow, thankyng yow most hertly of your dylygence and cost whyche ye had in gettyng of the hawk, whyche ye sent me, for well I wot your labore and trowbyll in that mater was as myche as thow she had ben the best of the world; but, so God help me, as ferforthe as the most conyng estragers that ever I spak with can imagyn, she shall never serve but to ley eggys, for she is bothe a mwer de haye, and also she hathe ben so brooseid with cariage of fewle that she is as good as lame in boothe hyr leggys, as every man may se at iee. Wherfor all syche folk as have seen hyr avyse me to cast hyr in to some wood, wher as I wyll have hyr to eyer; but I wyll do ther in as ye wyll, whedyr ye wyll I send hyr yow ayen, or cast hyr in Thorpe wood and a tarsell with hyr, for I weit wher on is. But now I dar no more put yow to the cost of an hawke, but, for Godes sake, and ther be eny tersell or good chep goshawk that myght be gotyn, that the berer herof may have hyr to bryng me, and I ensuer yow be my trowthe ye shall have Dollys and Browne bonde to paye yow at Kandyllmas the pryse of the hawke. Now, and ye have as many ladyse as ye wer wont to have, I reqwere yow for hyr sake that ye best love of theym all, onys trowbyll yowr syllf for me in thys mater, and be owght of my clamor.
Item, as for the ryng, it is delyverd, but I had as gret peyn to make hyr take it as ever I had in syche a mater; but I have promyseid yow to be hyr knyght, and she hathe promyseid me to be more at your comandment then at eny knyghtes in Inglond, my Lord reservyd; and that ye shall well undyrstand, if ye have owght to do, wherin she may be an helper; for ther was never knyght dyd so myche cost on hyr as ye have doon.
I mervyall that I her no woord of the lettyrs that my Lord Chamberleyn shold send to my Lord and my Lady for Caster. It is best that my Lord Chamberleyn wryght to my Lady by som prevy tokyn betwyx theym, and let a man of hys com with the lettrys. My Lord Chamberleyn may speed with my Lady what maters he wyll, savyng the gret mater; and if ye inbyll me for a solysitor, I shal be _a vouster comandment a touz jours_.
Item, me thynkyth that ye do evyll that ye go not thorewgh with my Lady of Suffolk for Heylysdon and Drayton; for ther shold growe mony to you, whyche wold qwyte yow ayenst R. T. and all other, and set yow befor for ever.
I prey yow for your ease, and all others to you ward, plye thes maters. As for alle other thynges, I shall send yow an answer, when I com to Norwyche, whyche shall be on Thorsday, with Godes grace. I have teryd her at Framlyngham thys sevennyght, for [my] Lady took not hyr chambyr tyll yersterday. Adewe.
Wretyn on Seynt Kateryns Evyn.
J. P.
To Master Sir John Paston, Knyght.
Ryght worchepfull syr, I recomand me to yow, thankyng yow most hertly of your dylygence and cost whyche ye had in gettyng of the hawk, whyche ye sent me, for well I wot your labore and trowbyll in that mater was as myche as thow she had ben the best of the world; but, so God help me, as ferforthe as the most conyng estragers that ever I spak with can imagyn, she shall never serve but to ley eggys, for she is bothe a mwer de haye, and also she hathe ben so brooseid with cariage of fewle that she is as good as lame in boothe hyr leggys, as every man may se at iee. Wherfor all syche folk as have seen hyr avyse me to cast hyr in to some wood, wher as I wyll have hyr to eyer; but I wyll do ther in as ye wyll, whedyr ye wyll I send hyr yow ayen, or cast hyr in Thorpe wood and a tarsell with hyr, for I weit wher on is. But now I dar no more put yow to the cost of an hawke, but, for Godes sake, and ther be eny tersell or good chep goshawk that myght be gotyn, that the berer herof may have hyr to bryng me, and I ensuer yow be my trowthe ye shall have Dollys and Browne bonde to paye yow at Kandyllmas the pryse of the hawke. Now, and ye have as many ladyse as ye wer wont to have, I reqwere yow for hyr sake that ye best love of theym all, onys trowbyll yowr syllf for me in thys mater, and be owght of my clamor.
Item, as for the ryng, it is delyverd, but I had as gret peyn to make hyr take it as ever I had in syche a mater; but I have promyseid yow to be hyr knyght, and she hathe promyseid me to be more at your comandment then at eny knyghtes in Inglond, my Lord reservyd; and that ye shall well undyrstand, if ye have owght to do, wherin she may be an helper; for ther was never knyght dyd so myche cost on hyr as ye have doon.
I mervyall that I her no woord of the lettyrs that my Lord Chamberleyn shold send to my Lord and my Lady for Caster. It is best that my Lord Chamberleyn wryght to my Lady by som prevy tokyn betwyx theym, and let a man of hys com with the lettrys. My Lord Chamberleyn may speed with my Lady what maters he wyll, savyng the gret mater; and if ye inbyll me for a solysitor, I shal be _a vouster comandment a touz jours_.
Item, me thynkyth that ye do evyll that ye go not thorewgh with my Lady of Suffolk for Heylysdon and Drayton; for ther shold growe mony to you, whyche wold qwyte yow ayenst R. T. and all other, and set yow befor for ever.
I prey yow for your ease, and all others to you ward, plye thes maters. As for alle other thynges, I shall send yow an answer, when I com to Norwyche, whyche shall be on Thorsday, with Godes grace. I have teryd her at Framlyngham thys sevennyght, for [my] Lady took not hyr chambyr tyll yersterday. Adewe.
Wretyn on Seynt Kateryns Evyn.
J. P.
To Master Sir John Paston, Knyght.
Right worchepfull syr, I recomand me to you, thankyng you most hertly of your dylygence and cost which you had in gettyng of the hawk, which you sent me, for well I wot your labore and trowbyll in that matter was as myche as thow she had [be/been] the best of the world; but, so God help me, as ferforthe as the most conyng estragers that ever I spoke with can imagyn, she shall never serve but to ley eggys, for she is both a mwer de haye, and also she hathe [be/been] so brooseid with carriage of fewle that she is as good as lame in boothe hyr leggys, as every man may se at iee. Wherfor all syche folk as have seen hyr avyse me to cast hyr in to some wood, where as I wyll have hyr to eyer; but I wyll do there in as you wyll, whedyr you wyll I send hyr you ayen, or cast hyr in Thorpe wood and a [#2]tarsell with hyr, for I weit where on is. But now I dar no more put you to the cost of an hawke, but, for Godes sake, and there be eny tersell or good chep goshawk that might be gotyn, that the berer herof may have hyr to bryng me, and I ensuer you be my trowthe you shall have Dollys and Browne bonde to paye you at Kandyllmas the pryse of the hawke. Now, and you have as many ladyse as you wer wont to have, I reqwere you for hyr sake that you best love of theym all, onys trowbyll your syllf for me in thys matter, and be owght of my clamor.
Item, as for the ryng, it is delivered, but I had as great peyn to make hyr take it as ever I had in syche a matter; but I have promyseid you to be hyr knyght, and she hathe promyseid me to be more at your comandment then at eny knyghtes in Inglond, my Lord reservyd; and that you shall well undyrstand, if you have owght to do, wherin she may be an helper; for there was never knyght dyd so myche cost on hyr as you have doon.
I mervyall that I her no woord of the lettyrs that my Lord Chamberlain shold send to my Lord and my Lady for Caister-on-Sea. It is best that my Lord Chamberlain wryght to my Lady by som prevy tokyn betwyx theym, and let a man of his come with the lettrys. My Lord Chamberlain may speed with my Lady what maters he wyll, savyng the great matter; and if you inbyll me for a solysitor, I shall be _a vouster comandment a touz jours_.
Item, me thynkyth that you do evil that you go not thorewgh with my Lady of Suffolk for Hellesdon and Drayton; for there shold grow money to you, which would qwyte you ayenst R. T. and all other, and set you before for ever.
I pray you for your ease, and all others to you ward, plye thes maters. As for all other thynges, I shall send you an answer, when I come to Norwich, which shall be on Thorsday, with Godes grace. I have teryd her at Framlingham thys sevennyght, for [my] Lady took not hyr chambyr until yersterday. Adewe.
Written on Saint Kateryns Evyn.
J. P.
To Master Sir John Paston
I thank you most heartily for your generosity in trying to get me the best possible hawk but as far as the best falconers can tell she will only ever lay eggs for she is worthless and has been bruised in transit and is lame in both legs. People advise me to let her go in some wood so she can lay eggs. I'm not sure whether to send her back to you or to set her free in Thorpe Woods with a falcon. But now I dare not again put you to the cost of a hawk but there might be any tercel or a cheap goshawk that might be had and I promise you that Dollys and Browne will pay you for the hawk at Candlemass. I know you are busy with you love life but please settle this matter and I will leave you alone.
As for the ring, it has arrived but I had great trouble in getting her to take it – and I promised you would be her knight and she promised to be at your service above all other knights in England – you owe her a great deal.
I can't understand why I have no word of what letters the Lord Chamberlain should send to my Lord and Lady about Caister – it is best for him to write to my Lady with a proposition – and if you need to pay for a solicitor I shall be at your service!
I think you should deal with Lady Suffolk for Hellesdon and Drayton for they should pay you to settle matters once and for all.
Please sort these things out and for all the other things, I will do more when I get back to Norwich – which should be on Thursday. I have been in Framlingham for a week and couldn't see her ladyship until yesterday. Bye
Written on St Catherines Eve